Sunday, January 14, 2007

“Me, myself & mine”

In her Sunday column, Sumiko Tan recounted losing a friendship that spanned over two decades. The parting of ways last year and her reflection on it led to a sobering conclusion: "You really can’t depend on others to make you happy".

Further quotable quotes from the Life editor: Far safer and saner for one to be self-sufficient first, and to be the source of one’s own happiness.

I knew (then) that I did have the ability to be by myself and yet happy, that my own company wasn’t half bad. I had found my happy place which didn’t require anybody. It felt good.

The burning question is: what took her so long to realize that? That it should take a break-up is learning the hard way. A lesson to be learned is not to love more than the other party if you want to to be in control of the relationship.

I have always maintained that you can’t build your happiness around anyone. Nobody exits to make you happy. Instead, draw from within yourself the happiness you have been taught to expect from others. There must have been some positive emotions in your life while alone. Since no one can escape negative emotions, chose to build on experiencing positive alone for most of your life.


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