Sunday, August 06, 2006

Smile, Land of Perpetual Campaigns


“Smile… We’re Serious!” screamed one of the pages in Lifestyle section today.

In conjunction with the IMF-World Bank meeting come September, we’re prevailed upon to put on a smile to welcome the delegates and tourists. (yeah, that's what it is... a put-on and take-off face mask)

What could be the motivation behind the smile campaign? So we could hear the cash-register tinkling merrily away? Or is it an apportunity to eye-wash the expected 13,000 delegates that we are a happy lot of people... politically, and to project our global image no less.

Can you really coax a smile out of people just as you coax an animal to perform in a circus?

Smiling is a natural reflex action. You smile when you feel good. Try forcing or forging a smile when you are feeling down or stressed-out and you'll know it isn't natural or genuine. It is like a woman faking orgasms.

What should be done is to encourage Singaporeans to less abrasive, if not friendlier, when they rub shoulders with each other. Charity begins at home; if you can smile with your fellow countrymen, smiling to visitors to your shores will be a spontaneity, like second nature.

Thailand is sold as a Land of A Thousand Smiles. That's too meager.

Naturally, in a Land of Perpetual Campaigns, Singapore campaigns to be a Fabulous Land of Four Million Perpetual Smiles.

Mark my word, when the "'mile-stone" event is over, everything will be forgotten, proving that this is just to eye-wash the vistiors into believing that we are happy and contented lot of people and all is well with us. Amen.


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